Digital Money Market June transcript

11 min readJul 10, 2018


This is a June monthly report from the digital money market, with the speaker 58COIN. Please sign for it.

First, June at a glance: the market is warm and cold, the total market value has dropped to 256.9 billion US dollars

According to CoinMarketCap data, among the 1602 encrypted digital currencies, less than 20 positive gains were recorded in June, and a big Yangxian line will not come on the last day of the month. As of June 30, the global market value of the digital money market was 256.952 billion US dollars (down 22.19% month-on-month). Bitcoin fell 15% monthly, and the market value of TOP100 only achieved 4 monthly positive returns. Among them, Emercoin (EMC), Monaco (MCO), Ether Classic (ETC) and Coin (BNB) recorded 16.45% and 6.44% respectively. 3.74%, 2.95% income. The PAYX coin became a big black horse in June and rose by 118% against the trend.

Mainstream currency performance in June (2018.6.1–6.30) Source: CoinMarketCap

Second, the serial bad air strikes the overall cloud market is bleak

At the beginning of June, it was bad at the exchange (Coonrail was hacked on June 10, Bithumb was attacked by hackers on June 20, the overall mood of the market lost its rhythm), and policy supervision was bad (US SEC, CFTC, etc. required exchanges to provide transactions) The data to determine whether the digital currency market is manipulated, the uncertainty of policy regulation makes investors depressed, and some digital currency loopholes or bad (EOS main online line performance is less than expected, mysterious organization announced 51% attack on BCH… Under the influence of the serial link, the overall cloud market is bleak.

Bitcoin (BTC): The bottom is gradually becoming a consensus

Bitcoin (BTC) performed well in mainstream currencies in June, falling 15.06% in the month. On June 22, the Japanese court ruled to suspend the bankruptcy process of MT.Gox on the Bitcoin exchange, allowing the remaining assets (nearly 170,000 BTCs and their forked coins BCH) to be distributed to former customers and debtors. At this point, it landed safely (on May 10 this year, MT.Gox transferred about 6,000 BTCs from outside, and BTC dropped from $9,400 to $8,100, a drop of 14%.) This time bomb was finally effectively removed. On June 27, the US SEC sought advice from the Bitcoin EFT. If the government approves the Bitcoin ETF, it is equivalent to officially recognizing Bitcoin as a legitimate asset class, which will change the overall perception of the risk of crypto assets regulation, and thus will have a certain positive impact on the price of Bitcoin. We know that the mining cost of miners is now more than 3,000 US dollars. If this price falls below this price, it will cause mine disaster. At present, we can’t see this possibility. Bitcoin is different from altcoin. It is a matter of agreement between agencies. . If the organization decides to open a position at 6000–7000, then 7000 points will become a difficult pressure to attack, but in the long run, as Q4 Nasdaq officially got on the bus, the crash is completed and the bitcoin is re-established. Breaking through $20,000 is not a problem.

Ethereum (ETH): multi-line development and promotion, low comprehensive risk

Ethereum (ETH) has been relatively resistant in the last two months, with a drop of 21.53% this month. As of June 30, ETH’s market value of 293.316 billion yuan ranked second, with a market value exceeding 265.565 billion yuan of Gree Electric Appliances. It is currently the most successful general-purpose platform project. ETH’s GitHub community popularity and Google search popularity rank top in the general platform category, and the number of daily active addresses is close to BTC and has surpassed. V God announced last month that ETH will use Casper consensus algorithms and sharding techniques to solve the main problems of insufficient scalability, high transaction costs and low resource utilization. However, the ETC’s partial centralization decision-making mechanism will increase the risk of hard forks. The development of DApp on the ETH infrastructure chain will enter the bottleneck period and will face competition and challenges from common platform projects such as EOS. Ethereum “fatal message” loopholes may also become time bombs in the hands of hackers. On the whole, the comprehensive risk of the ETH project is relatively low, the follow-up development of the project is in the multi-line advancement, and the future of the Ether is still promising. The processing speed of the transaction using the slicing technology will reach one million times per second, and the second future CME will consider Incorporate Ethereum into futures trading. But hackers are everywhere, risk is everywhere, and it is urgent to fix vulnerabilities. This is a priority.

Ripple Coin (XRP): Non-securities final name

The market value of Ripco was third, and its revenue in June fell by 25.21%. On June 18, following Bitcoin and Ethereum, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had decided that Ripple was not a security. The US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCen) has signed an agreement with Ripple to allow them to continue selling XRP. No Nakamoto Satoshi, no V God high-profile, CEO of the world’s third-largest cryptocurrency XRP, in the face of SEC regulatory “low-key” comment: XRP is not a security, but an application, financial institutions can use XRP to achieve rapid on the network Transfer. It can solve the pain points of many banking trading technologies. With the changes in financial policies of various countries, the vision of “free exchange between international currencies” is likely to be realized through the encrypted digital currency of Ripple.

Bit Cash (BCH): It is “critical” and “machine”. Strengthen hard power at all times.

Bitcoin (BCH) fell 25.35% in June due to the broader market. On June 26, the mysterious organization Bitpic Twitter said it had launched a 51% attack on BCH, after the hacker stole $18 million in bitcoin gold through 51% of attacks. When 51% of attacks come true, the security foundation of the entire digital currency is at stake. The crisis is not terrible, and sometimes the crisis can even turn into an opportunity. Bit cash is the most popular fork coin in Bitcoin. It has just expanded to support 32MB blocks, with greater stability and security, and can support more transactions in a certain time. In the face of the 51% power attack, for the currency of the POW mechanism, whether it is the competition or the number of nodes, it is necessary to rely on hard power. The BCH community has made it clear that effective pressure can help to understand the height of the ceiling and prepare for an upgrade.

Litecoin (LTC): Lightning Network wins again

The Litecoin fell by 32.15% in June. On June 9, the epoch-making event of the Litecoin event occurred: the second atomic exchange between BTC and LTC was successful. Hard work pays off and overcomes many difficulties. XUC Lightning Network Engineer successfully carried out BTC/LTC lightning network atomic swap. This is the second truly successful implementation of the lightning network atomic interchange technology on a global scale. The target of Litecoin is to pay the currency, set up the Litecoin Foundation, the lightning network, and look forward to the future Litecoin will continue to grow, and will soon be used on a large scale, possibly becoming the third only after Bitcoin and Ethereum. Big digital currency.

EOS: Grinding a sword with all strength will eventually test the edge

The EOS June main online line did not perform as expected, with a drop of 33.96% this month. Bitcoin has opened up the era of digital currency, Ethereum has opened the era of smart contracts, EOS may be opening the era of cloud computing. GitHub updated the 90-day code submission ranking, EOS still occupied the first place, the version update from the beginning of the month EOSIO 1.0.1 to 6.27 1.0.7, solved the smart contract, RAM0 handling fees and other issues, which shows that the popularity of grapefruit is still not reduced. At the end of the month, Dan Larimer released a new draft EOS constitution. When it comes to arbitration entities, BM once again stated the promise of “code is the law”. The power of EOS should lie in good governance, not just technology. The 21 super-node winners who have received much attention should come to a close in July. The so-called: a full-scale grinding of a sword will eventually show off.

Wave field (TRX): the community is still top-level products still need to work hard

In June, the main online line and super representatives continued to fail to stop the decline of the wave field (TRX). The monthly decline was 35.15%, and the current market value fell out of the top ten. Today, the main network of the wave field has been launched on the public network of the public network on 5.31, and the team has grown to 200 people. 6.25 Wave field held the main network officially launched a global live broadcast conference, one-time destruction of 1 billion TRX (worth about 42 million US dollars), and the first super representative CryptoDiva, June 28 wave currency contract has been officially put on BitMEX. Every month, there will be major events in the wave field. On July 31, the TVM virtual machine will be officially launched. It is undeniable that the community of the wave field is really good, but the product is indeed open to question. It is no wonder that V God is joking in mid-June. If my pension is invested in the wave field, it will be very frustrating. However, objectively speaking, with the evolution of the main online line of the wave field, its token TRX also has specific application scenarios, and the value theory will rise. If the wave field team pays less attention to these financial projects, such as destroying tokens, and think more about building a real product, then there will still be its own place.

Idaco: Reliable technical strength

The ADA’s June earnings once again reached the bottom of the mainstream currency, down 38.13%. The Cardano (ADA) team decided to redesign their website, roadmap and Oroborus wallet for attacks that the crypto community believes ADA project development is stagnant. And the ADA has updated its roadmap in early June to complete the “Accelerate Recovery Wallet” goal, and is currently undergoing an improvement in the bootstrapping process, which will help community stability, interoperability and governance in the next 18 months. The overall investment risk of the ADA is general, and the technical strength cannot be underestimated. The project has strong technical strength and outstanding research capabilities. The degree of innovation is high, but the performance of the main chain remains to be further tested. In view of the 70% drop in the high level this year, the current value is seriously underestimated, and returning to the high position is just around the corner.

Third, the popular currency shows the magical power PAYX monthly is the king

Top currency performance in June (2018.6.1–6.30) Source: CoinMarketCap

PAYX Coin: Strong Control Panel Ranked first in the June increase

Paypex (PAYX) is the king of the month. In June, it rose by 118.06% against the trend and became a big black horse. As of June 30, the market value of PAYX coins was $76 million, ranking 107. Paypex is at the intersection of Ethereum blockchain technology, payments and commerce, and provides componentized solutions for these segments to manage their payment needs. It combines payment service providers, fraud management, cryptocurrencies and other payment-related scenarios to help merchants protect taxes, increase sales and reduce payment costs. PAYX is a platform based on Ethereum blockchain technology and smart contract payment system. It can be found that there are only 702 new holders, indicating that there are not many retail investors. The first two addresses account for 54% of the market value, indicating that the dealer’s control is obvious. For the market outlook, such a medium-capital currency is still quite healthy, and the main rising wave can be expected.

Payment class token: June against the trend, the future can be expected

1. Circulation for mining and payment for business leaders.

TPAY coins rose 6.59% against the trend in June. It was supported by the Digital Asset Holding team. The digital cryptocurrency developed based on the OPEN COIN open source algorithm, the digital cryptocurrency using this algorithm and the Ripple coin invested by Google Inc. TAPY is a fully open online payment platform, similar to Alipay and WeChat, but TPAY is based on blockchain technology and can successfully implement peer-to-peer cross-border transfers without any fees. The core values ​​are the value of circulation, that is, every transaction between people, the system gives 80% of the transaction amount, which can be said to be circulated for mining. The blockchain-based digital bill trading platform promoted by the central bank this year has been tested successfully, and TPAY coins have taken the trend. In the future, with the maturity of the central bank’s digital currency issuance and application technology, TPAY still has a lot of room for growth.

2, the application scenario is rich, digital currency VISA card.

Similar to the TABY coin, Monaco (Monaco MCO) is also a payment-based token, a digital currency-encrypted visa card based on the Ethereum smart contract. With the MCO, you can directly consume the erc20 digital currency such as Bitcoin or Ethereum in the card. You can enjoy the best exchange rate as long as you hold the MCO online or offline. Looking into the future, payment digital currency can solve two problems at the same time: 1. Filling the gaps in many countries without mobile payment systems; 2. Establishing channels for automatic conversion of digital currency and legal currency for consumption. At this stage, the market operation in Europe is relatively smooth. There have been many successful offline payment scenarios, restaurant eating, supermarket shopping, etc., and enthusiastic users uploaded videos to the yutube community.

ETC: thick and thin hair will eventually become the next king

The Ether Classic (ETC) once led the market in June, with a 3.74% gain in the month. Coinbase announced that ETC will be affected by the online trading on the platform. On June 12th, it rose by 25.96% against the trend. Since then, it has oscillated upwards. On June 25, it again increased its volume by 19.33%. In June, Otaru was very popular. On the 16th, ETC and IOHK established “ETC Lab” to support ETC blockchain company. On the 27th, ETC core independent technical team released new wallet Emerald Wallet v1.0.0, Google Chrome browser plug-in type. The digital wallet Metamask will support ETC. ETC’s development team ETCDEV has been striving to promote development with a pragmatic and steady attitude, making ETC more stable, flexible and mature. So far, ETC has not had a major security incident, and ETH, EOS, etc. are system vulnerabilities. It can be expected that ETC will eventually grow up and become the next king. This time, Ota is no longer the taste of the “bull terminator”.

Platform Coin: Big Wave Taosha Ecosystem Sound is King Road

In May, the platform coin became the star of the darkness, and it gained positive gains against the trend. In June, the platform currency was still relatively resistant, and the currency bill (BNB) rose by 2.95%. This month, Coin Ann announced the establishment of a $1 billion social impact fund, and on June 21, Coin Announced the “Digital Assets Exchange Open Alliance Program”. High-quality platform currency is a mirror of the general economy. For the exchange, bigger and stronger is the result of many factors, including business model, innovation, operation, security, user and other multi-dimensional competition. Ecosphere. Obviously, the mode of “transaction mining, holding money and dividends” is only the innovation of “surgery”, not the innovation of “dao”. Looking ahead, the exchanges will certainly be reshuffled, and those platforms with sound ecosystems will be able to precipitate real gold.

Summary: low market, preferred mainstream value currency, reasonable control position

Digital currency market June market capitalization ranking

The market value of the wave field fell out of the top ten TEDA

