Big Events And General Trend Of The Crypto Market In the 2nd Half Of 2019

6 min readJul 2, 2019


On November 15, 2018, the BCH hard fork led to the “earthquake” of the crypto market, and the price started a bluff slump, nowhere has this seen to be more evident than in the change of BTC price, falling from $6,500 to $3,155 in just a month.

However, after entering 2019, Bitcoin rallied through 4,000 US dollars, 6,000 US dollars and 8,000 US dollars in three months, and it has broken through $10,000, continuously hitting the new highs within the year. On the morning of June 22, BTC successfully rose above $10,000 for the first time in 18 months. As of June 26, BTC increased more than 246% during the year.

(Source: 58COIN Exchange)

Compared with gold, crude oil, stocks, and other mainstream assets, the growth rate of Bitcoin has more than doubled this year. The return rate of Bitcoin is close to 10 times that of the stock market this year, a complete victory over other markets.

Bitcoin Surges Past $13,000, Hitting A 18-Month High

Why has BTC surged sharply in the past three months? There is a variety of opinions regarding the matter.

1) Some analysts believe that the launch of Libra by the social media giant Facebook is pushing the winning streak of Bitcoin price. Besides, the launch plan of the physically-settled bitcoin futures contracts by Bakkt serves as another big part of the price surge.

2) According to the experience, every time the bitcoin is halved, the digital market will welcome a bull market.

3) Some believe that hyperinflation is a catalyst for the development of bitcoin.

4) It is said that the most important reason for this round of rising is the continuous involvements of various types of investment financial institutions, such as Fidelity, it has stepped into the BTC mining, etc.

5) Data shows that more new investors are attracted by the digital currency. Since there is a continuous USDT premium, the willingness of the out-floor to enter the market is strong.

6) From the technical perspective, Bitcoin has maintained a bullish parabolic trend, and it is expected to continue to rise once it breaks through the previous high.

7) Some even hold the grounds that the Sino-US trade war has led to the depreciation of the renminbi, and a large number of funds to choose bitcoin for hedging, becoming one of the reasons that result in the surge in BTC prices.

8) Of course, the abovementioned opinions are some of the reasons for the skyrocketing of bitcoin. Undoubtedly, the bull market of BTC has indeed arrived! Research into the root cause is meaningless, as people will always find reasons for price rise, and the rise does not need a reason.

Entering The Bull Market, Five Hotspots To Follow

1. Bakkt is to be Launched

Bakkt’s highly regarded bitcoin futures plan was initially launched in November 2018 and has been pushed back several times due to delays in obtaining regulatory approval from the U.S. CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission). Recently, it was reported that Bakkt plans to launch physically-settled of bitcoin futures contracts in July.

Bakkt’s online has been widely interpreted by various parties as the fuse for the arrival of the bull market. The main reasons are: 1) Providing a compliant and reliable access channel for the “regular investment army”; 2) Physical delivery regulates the market order and hangs a “Sword of Damocles” on the shorts. Bakkt was the best and even the only admission channel for the mainstream investors before the bitcoin ETFs passed. On Tuesday, June 25, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has approved bitcoin derivatives provider LedgerX to provide physically-settled bitcoin futures contracts. It is expected that Bakkt will be launched soon.

2. Bitcoin ETFs will be Approved

Investors are not strangers to the Bitcoin ETF, it is one that mimics the price of the most popular digital currency in the world. This allows investors to buy into the ETF without going through the complicated process of trading bitcoin itself. As of now, there have been dozens of ETF proposals, but they were all been rejected by the SEC. Investors often compare bitcoin ETFs to gold ETFs and the price of the latter has skyrocketed since the first launch. Therefore, after the approval of bitcoin ETFs, a large influx of institutional investors will enter with a large number of investment funds, which will certainly serve as the driving force of the rise of bitcoin price.

3. The Popular Influx of Large Companies

In addition to Bakkt and ETF, there are many other projects that can help institutional funds flood into the cryptocurrency market. This is one of the most important advances in terms of market confidence and price impact.

Various ETF-like products have been very active. BinckBank offers Bitcoin ETN (Bitcoin Exchange Trading Voucher), and the SIX Swiss Exchange in Switzerland is approved for listing cryptocurrency exchange-traded products (ETPs) that allow investors to hold a package of various digital currency combinations…

In the next few years, the largest global financial companies are also expected to launch a variety of encryption platforms. For example, Fidelity, one of the world’s largest asset management companies, the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, the second largest exchange in Germany, and the Nasdaq in the United States, will provide bitcoin futures services.

4. Quality Projects and Technical Breakthroughs Accelerate Market Rally

For investors, it is the most unwilling to go through a bear market. But in turn, the bear market is also a sieve that cleans up all the fraud and junk items in the cryptocurrency market, which is crucial for the industry. According to incomplete statistics, in 2018, more than 1,000 cryptocurrency projects were phased out, and countless digital currency exchanges were eliminated.

Exchanges that completed the competition for survival of the fittest have been working hard to develop the products they promised over the past year. Therefore, quality projects and technical breakthroughs will surely have a positive impact on the long-term market.

5. Increased Supervision and Compliance

The rapid emergence and development of cryptocurrencies have led the government to lag far behind in terms of regulation. Since there are huge risks in the daily transactions of investors, some governments have banned such transactions. Good supervision on the digital market is urgently needed to make the market more reliable and stable, so as to realize the real potential of the blockchain. Therefore, “supervision” is still one of the keywords in the second half of 2019.

The beginning of the bull market has brought more hope and confidence in the market. Bitcoin has been well received by investors regardless of spot or futures. For the bitcoin price in the second half of the year, a digital currency analyst suggested that there are technical indicators show that bitcoin may rise to $60,000. Zhao Changpeng, CEO of the Binance, said: “There is no upper limit on the price of bitcoin.”

The bull market has started, however, compared with the past, this round of bull market boasts two main features: 1) A lot of institutional investors have indeed participated in this bull market, which indicates that bitcoin is gradually accepted by the mainstream financial investors; 2) The correlation between the bitcoin and other financial market core factors such as the conversion rate has become stronger and is gradually more affected by the international financial situation. As the volume of the bitcoin market becomes larger, it is becoming more standard and international.

In a word, the bull market is coming, haven’t you got involved in bitcoin investment? 58COIN exchange is the right choice for you, it has launched the USDT contract and delivery contract based on the innovation of perpetual contract. Besides, with the rally of the cryptocurrency price, its cloud mining products have been well received by the market. Whether you are an adventurous or a conservative investor, you can always find a tailored product for you at 58COIN exchange.





