58COIN Launched The Pre-Sale Of “BitHash”, Another Powerful Custody Service Platform?

5 min readApr 19, 2019


According to the official website of Bitmain, at 14:00 (GMT +8) April 9, the first batch of Antminer S17 Pro and S17 series were sold out in just four minutes and three seconds after the launch. As of now, it is hard to buy S17 series mining machine.

Just a week later, on April 15, 58COIN took the lead to release the news “it will launch the new business of selling mining machines and related custody service”. Right after the next day, it announced the first batch of pre-sale of 4,719 Antminer S17 and S17Pro Series. Investors can enjoy a yearly electricity cost of 0.35 Yuan/kWh, no management fee for a limited period of time, and “PPS+” earnings distribution model. The continuous announcements caused great concern from the media and investors, and the enthusiasm of the mining realm was once again ignited.

According to the latest news, 58COIN will officially start the pre-sale of “BitHash” on April 18 and accept the batch custody service (at least 100 mining machines).

Will 58COIN become another powerful custody service platform through “BitHash”?

Let’s see the possibilities through industry background, product design, return on investment and platform strength.

  1. Conform To The Market: The Price Of Cryptocurrency Rallied, The New Mining Machine Was Created

The ups and downs of the mining industry are closely related to the price of the cryptocurrency. After a long bear market, with the IEO and multiple bullish incentives, the recovery of the cryptocurrency market has become a new consensus. It is even reported that the old Antminer S9 can be started and get the mining earnings. At this time, the latest generation of mining machine — S17 launched by Bitmain came to the fore.

What kind of mining machine S17 is?

According to the official data of Bitmain, the S17 series includes four models: S17 53T, S17 Pro 53T, S17 Pro 50T, and S17 56T with the hash rate of up to 53TH/s and the EER (energy efficiency ratio) of 45J/TH and equipped with the second generation 7nm chip BM1397. In a word, Antminer S17 series boasts the features of lower power consumption, better performance, and stronger computing power.

Antminer S17 has become the new hope of miners after the rally of the cryptocurrency market. The launch of “BitHash” at this time meets the market demand and takes advantage of the trend!

2. Product Design: Solve The Problems Of Purchasing Difficulty And Related Custody Service

According to the official website of 58COIN, “BitHash is a new business jointly established by 58COIN, mining machine manufacturer, mining pool, and the mine owner. Users only need to pay the mining machine fee, electricity cost, and management fee, and enjoy the stable and monitored mining service in return. Currently, the sales of mining machines and custody services are available, and the mining machine rental and standard cloud computing business will be expanded in a later period.

As is known to all, the S17 series was sold out in less than 5 minutes after the launch, and it is hard to buy the mining machine via the normal channel since then. Besides, as the requirement for the operation of the minefield becomes higher, the custody difficulty increases accordingly. So how to buy the mining machine and real-time management become the investors’ deeply concerned issues.

BitHash realized high-quality one-stop purchasing and custody by connecting the upstream mining machine manufacturer and the downstream mining pool and minefield, solving the major two problems that beset the investors. As there are few exchanges can achieve this goal, some insiders claimed that “Although with no mining machine, minefield, and the mine owner, 58COIN perfectly solved the investors’ concerns and skillfully got the share of custody market.”

In addition, Bit Hash has begun to receive batch mining machines (100 at least) custody business, providing low electricity costs, 200,000 machine positions, stable and reliable thermal power, professional operation and maintenance, and custody discounts. Investors with interests can pay attention to this new business.

3. Low Investment, High Earnings: One Mining Machine Can Be Purchased, Zero Management Fee, PPS+ Earnings Distribution Model

58COIN devotes to providing “Investor concerned products and services with low investment and high earnings”.

According to 58COIN, investors only need to pay the mining machine fee and electricity cost, where the starting fee of a miner machine is 15,405 Yuan and is no higher than the direct sales price of the manufacturer. Except for the transportation costs and labor costs, the platform nearly makes little money under the premise of strong demands. Besides, the yearly electricity cost remains at 0.35 yuan/kWh and the management fee is free before December 31, 2019. Please note that other platforms make the management fee as their main income, generally accounts for more than 6% of the investor’s earnings.

About Earnings:

In order to ensure the mining efficiency, 58COIN directly connects the mining machine to antpool.com and makes it displayed to the investor in real-time, besides, the “PPS+” earnings distribution model ensures double incomes of “miner fee + mining earnings” for the investor under an open and transparent mining process. Along with the recovery of the cryptocurrency price, the space for earnings is considerable.

Let’s see the detailed comparison:

Obviously, 58COIN BitHash has an absolute advantage in terms of earnings, electricity cost, management fee, and other soft services. Smart investors know which platform is their right choice.

4. Platform Strength

BitHash is backed by 58COIN exchange, which is recognized as the king of contracts in the industry with more than 1 billion market cap risk reserves and nearly 400,000 registered users. The most important thing is that it is an exchange developed from the mining industry and has rich experience. Such a business is familiar to them, and for investors, a powerful platform will further reduce investment risks.

Preparations before purchasing BitHash on 58COIN:

  1. Enough USDT Stock

According to official news, USDT is required for both purchasing mining machines and pre-paying the electricity cost. Investors are recommended to prepare sufficient USDT with an equivalent value of more than 20,000 Yuan.

2. Keep “BitHash” Purchasing Entrance In Mind

“BitHash” has an entry on the 58COIN Web and App terminals, and the purchasing entrance may first open in App terminals, investors need to download and register in advance.

3. A good network environment.

4. Remember the opening time is April 18 (GMT +8). Investors should pay attention to the official website for the specific opening time.

Taking advantage of the trend, we launched an innovative product with a one-stop solution to the problem of “purchasing difficulty + related custody”, solving the investment concerns of investors through “low input and high return”. Supported by the powerful platform 58COIN, “BitHash” will play an important role in custody market. We will wait and see!

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